Dinky Blog and News
Christmas Deadlines
So it’s nearly the end October. I can’t believe how quickly the year seems to fly by!!
The children are well and truly back in the swing of school routine and the shops are filling up fast with Halloween and Christmas goodies.
Here at TDFC we have to start thinking about Christmas events, stock and deadlines pretty early on.
The Events book up fast and stock has to be got in for all your lovely orders. The Christmas deadline has to be carefully thought out to give us enough time to make, polish and return your goodies.
Our Christmas deadlines this year are:
All orders to be placed by:
1st December 2013
If ordering online, the kits need to be returned by:
6th December 2013
Please see your local consultant or order online at www.dinkyfingerprint.co.uk or 01628 623386
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